
Our mission is to form a positive partnership with our clients to obtain a successful solution. 
Arriaga Security & Investigative Solutions has extensive Security and Investigative experience to provide our clients a wide range of services to meet their needs At Arriaga Security & Investigative Solutions we strive to achieve the highest level of effective professionalism and creative solutions.

  • Executive Security/  ASIS offers the highest level of protection with the highest level of experience in the field.  Our Agents are trained Law Enforcement and have the highest level of training. Each case is treated with attention to detail.
  • Threat assessment
  • Consulting and training
  • Analysis of the amount of security needed
  • Preparation and planning to institute effective counter measures

Other services include:

  • Surveillance
  • Threat Evaluations/ Security Survey/Corporate Audits
  • Workplace or Employee Issues
  • Travel with a security escort to ensure constant security, to provide the client with the highest level of protection.
  • Facilitate Executive Travel with streamlined security measures
  • Background investigations/ Employment or Investigation
  • Property Security/ Asset Protection/ Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
  • Infidelities
  • Divorce Cases
  • Liaison with Human Resource for work place issues
  • Public Speaking/ The president of Arriaga Security & Investigative Solutions has been a keynote speaker for many events in the field of Strategic Planning. The president of (ASIS) has appeared in numerous Television Shows and Press Releases to include    60 Minutes. 
  • Financial Investigations
  • Event Security/ large or small/ Utilizing uncompromising Security Agents
  • Security for Conferences, receptions, private parties, large events, Horse Show events
  • International investigations/ with contacts throughout the world Arriaga Security & Investigative Solutions is able to conduct complex investigations.
  • Protect your most valuable asset, your children, with nanny cams.
  • Professional Security Guards, Uniformed/ Non-Uniformed



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